Our environmental education activity program known as BEAD (Biodiversity Education Aquatic Discovery) aims to connect people to the environment by working in partnership with a number of other organisations to deliver coordinated school and adult education activities covering a range of resource management, biodiversity, water and environmental issues.
Education Packages are delivered to schools and community groups in the local area and have become an integral part of the curriculum. We have several alternatives for delivery:
> Half day rotating sessions
>Full day excursions to a natural reserve or area relevant to the school
>Presentations to individual classes of all ages
>Tailored information sessions – relevant to a topic
>Community events
>Supplying brochures, information and equipment for activities
In our large group sessions, rotate through sessions which may conducted by an assortment of presenters from varying Landcare groups, GBCMA, CMN‘s, Ag Vic, GV Water, GM Water, Parks Victoria, Shire representatives; other environmental groups, local historians and the local Indigenous education officers and anyone else who is passionate enough to want to participate.
The packages are a generic set of activities designed and planned with teachers to fulfil part of the curriculum, not just a one-off day activity. You can choose from the activities below or we can work with you to tailor activities to suit learning needs or units of study.
Native Animal Crowns
We showcase some of our taxidermy animals
in this session and learn about some of
our Australian Native animals. Children are
then able to colour and cut out their own
native animal to turn into an Australian
Native Animal crown.
If you wish to schedule an environmental education session, or would just like to discuss some alternative education activities, please contact us on 03 5821 3530 or email to discuss.